i need help (resume)

When I recruited in Guatemala, the applicants always put their picture on their resume. Totally different customs than here, made it hard to not discriminate and hire only hotties. :lol:

Hey, my sister is in Guatemala right now! But I don't think she's looking for a job.
When I recruited in Guatemala, the applicants always put their picture on their resume. Totally different customs than here, made it hard to not discriminate and hire only hotties. :lol:

I've seen some that put their picture in their signature for corporate email.

I immediately file those people in the "annoying as hell low priority" file.
When I ran a garlic mine in Thailand we used to throw away every third resume. Didn't even look at them. No other reason than to lighten our workload by 33%.
:lol: Not an interesting story. I wasn't IN Guatemala; I recruited from the states by phone.

omgosh use print preview, I are so confused. :fly:

I need print preview to take a screenshot? *sigh*

