Food I found something amazing


Oct 1, 2004
So as some of you know, I've been reading the book The 4 Hour Body. One of the things he talks about over and over in a few of the chapters is a supplement called Athletic Greens. Essentially, its a good serving of veggies in a small scoop of powder. I immediately went to Amazon to search for it. They didn't have any.

What I did find on Amazon was a product called Green Vibrance. It's got a bunch of the same stuff and is loaded with veggies and probiotics. I ordered that instead. I've been on it now for about a week. I'll be honest that I really haven't noticed too much of a difference. Until yesterday.

I love me some spicy food. Thai hot? Yes please. Three mile island wings from hooters? I'll take 12. Spicy ind... You get the idea. The problem is that as I've gotten older, I've been able to handle the stuff less and less. This gives me sad. Sometimes I say screw it, eat the stuff, and pay the price later. Thursday was one of those days. I went to Taco Bus. For those that are not Tampons, it's delicious, authentic Mexican food. They have this homemade green sauce that is amazing. It's mostly ground up jalapenos and is an intestinal tract destroyer for me. I loaded up my lengua burrito with a bunch of it. Out of this world. Fast forward now to Friday morning. This is usually when things get ugly. Except they didn't. Friday night I ate some spicy Indian food. Today, I'm fine.

I'm attributing this turn around to this Green Vibrance stuff. Specifically, I'm guessing that its related to the probiotics in it. You don't need this stuff to get probiotics though. However, there are so many ingredients and trace elements in this stuff, who knows what may have fixed it. All I know is that it seems that I can eat spicy food again like a normal person. This is highly exciting to me.

By the way, the stuff by itself does not taste very good. What I've been doing is adding a scoop of it to a protein shake along with a scoop of natural peanut butter (the real stuff: nuts, maybe some salt, nothing else) from Publix. There is the slightest hint of veggie aftertaste. But I know its good, because April is now taking it too and she is picky as fuck. We're crossing our fingers that maybe something in this shit will help correct her egg allergy. I'll report back on that later.

/spicy and excited
try this: make a smoothie with it using about 100 grams of yogurt, roughly the same amount of almond milk, 250 grams of frozen pineapple, one apple, and 120 grams of ice. use about 40-50 grams of the greens when you do

when I got to this site one of the guys introduced me to what he calls the wall of health. he has a massive amount of various mixes just like the one you're talking about but different brands. they're blended together depending on the type of recipe he wants to make and we frozen fruits, yogurt, and almond milk to make them. works really well, once the recipes are ready for release I'll post them

point is, frozen fruit smoothies are a great way to consume those types of powders. give it a shot

edit: apparently the green vibrance company even has suggestions:
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so, convince me that this stuff isnt hippie bullshit, and that the 500 5-star reviews arent all placebo effect

(for serious, im interested, but skeptical)
I think it's partly hippie bullshit, at least in the marketing and how much stock people put into it

still, I've felt a LOT better since I switched out two meals a day for these smoothies. granted the ones I drink are made with four to six different powders and I overload them with fruit but it's a hell of a lot better than DFAC food and will certainly keep my digestive system happier than MREs will when we switch to one hot a day
So as some of you know, I've been reading the book The 4 Hour Body. One of the things he talks about over and over in a few of the chapters is a supplement called Athletic Greens. Essentially, its a good serving of veggies in a small scoop of powder. I immediately went to Amazon to search for it. They didn't have any.

What I did find on Amazon was a product called Green Vibrance. It's got a bunch of the same stuff and is loaded with veggies and probiotics. I ordered that instead. I've been on it now for about a week. I'll be honest that I really haven't noticed too much of a difference. Until yesterday.

I love me some spicy food. Thai hot? Yes please. Three mile island wings from hooters? I'll take 12. Spicy ind... You get the idea. The problem is that as I've gotten older, I've been able to handle the stuff less and less. This gives me sad. Sometimes I say screw it, eat the stuff, and pay the price later. Thursday was one of those days. I went to Taco Bus. For those that are not Tampons, it's delicious, authentic Mexican food. They have this homemade green sauce that is amazing. It's mostly ground up jalapenos and is an intestinal tract destroyer for me. I loaded up my lengua burrito with a bunch of it. Out of this world. Fast forward now to Friday morning. This is usually when things get ugly. Except they didn't. Friday night I ate some spicy Indian food. Today, I'm fine.

I'm attributing this turn around to this Green Vibrance stuff. Specifically, I'm guessing that its related to the probiotics in it. You don't need this stuff to get probiotics though. However, there are so many ingredients and trace elements in this stuff, who knows what may have fixed it. All I know is that it seems that I can eat spicy food again like a normal person. This is highly exciting to me.

By the way, the stuff by itself does not taste very good. What I've been doing is adding a scoop of it to a protein shake along with a scoop of natural peanut butter (the real stuff: nuts, maybe some salt, nothing else) from Publix. There is the slightest hint of veggie aftertaste. But I know its good, because April is now taking it too and she is picky as fuck. We're crossing our fingers that maybe something in this shit will help correct her egg allergy. I'll report back on that later.

/spicy and excited

Hmmmm,as you know, I ordered this book. I've just not sat and read any of it yet! Between Liam and his insisting I read his anti-God books, my Shania book & this one, I've just lost my bookworminess, I think.
I should just make a schedule for myself! lol!

It would be cool to correct my allergies IN GENERAL, but also to bananas and vinegar!
try this: make a smoothie with it using about 100 grams of yogurt, roughly the same amount of almond milk, 250 grams of frozen pineapple, one apple, and 120 grams of ice. use about 40-50 grams of the greens when you do

when I got to this site one of the guys introduced me to what he calls the wall of health. he has a massive amount of various mixes just like the one you're talking about but different brands. they're blended together depending on the type of recipe he wants to make and we frozen fruits, yogurt, and almond milk to make them. works really well, once the recipes are ready for release I'll post them

point is, frozen fruit smoothies are a great way to consume those types of powders. give it a shot

edit: apparently the green vibrance company even has suggestions:

Fly will not eat fruit.
Hmmmm,as you know, I ordered this book. I've just not sat and read any of it yet! Between Liam and his insisting I read his anti-God books, my Shania book & this one, I've just lost my bookworminess, I think.
I should just make a schedule for myself! lol!

It would be cool to correct my allergies IN GENERAL, but also to bananas and vinegar!

LOL @ Liams antigod books.
Hmmmm,as you know, I ordered this book. I've just not sat and read any of it yet! Between Liam and his insisting I read his anti-God books, my Shania book & this one, I've just lost my bookworminess, I think.
I should just make a schedule for myself! lol!

It would be cool to correct my allergies IN GENERAL, but also to bananas and vinegar!

I would want to correct my allergy to bananas too, but how do you really do that? How do you test the theory? Last time I ate a banana I almost died. How does this work?
so, convince me that this stuff isnt hippie bullshit, and that the 500 5-star reviews arent all placebo effect

(for serious, im interested, but skeptical)

I was skeptical too. Like I said, it seems likely that this is attributed to the probiotics for me. You can get those (probably cheaper) in pill form. Personally, I think this is probably much better than the yogurt which includes less probiotics. However, getting more veggies in you *cant* be bad.
BTW, after day three for April she ate scrambled eggs today without issue. She says its possible that could have occurred before. Will continue to monitor her situation.
I was skeptical too. Like I said, it seems likely that this is attributed to the probiotics for me. You can get those (probably cheaper) in pill form. Personally, I think this is probably much better than the yogurt which includes less probiotics. However, getting more veggies in you *cant* be bad.
I had a cucumber in me earlier.

edit: jk
I'm not sure that's worth correcting.
Ya, there are different levels of allergies. Mine's just annoying, not life threatening.
I had a cucumber in me earlier.

edit: jk

Ya, there are different levels of allergies. Mine's just annoying, not life threatening.

just because you drugged and raped fly doesnt make him a vegetable. Its gotta be a permanent kind of thing to use that term.

Now as for fruits? yeah, he's got that covered.