Hi. Your pix go here now.

some new ones I cranked out for an artesian craft show next weekend
"artesian" is a fancy word for "I get to charge more"
adjective: artesian
  1. relating to or denoting a well bored perpendicularly into water-bearing strata lying at an angle, so that natural pressure produces a constant supply of water with little or no pumping.
    "the water from artesian wells makes agriculture possible"
There's minced onions and pickled cucumbers on the bottom bun, and there's ketchup on there too and that's made from tomatoes. That's like 3 whole servings of vegetables!

Fuck I love having a kitchen back. With a range hood that vents outdoors - did these on a rippin' hot cast iron frying pan on the stovetop.
There's minced onions and pickled cucumbers on the bottom bun, and there's ketchup on there too and that's made from tomatoes. That's like 3 whole servings of vegetables!

Fuck I love having a kitchen back. With a range hood that vents outdoors - did these on a rippin' hot cast iron frying pan on the stovetop.
That looks fukn delicious