GAY Good 9/11 Conspiracies

I was in NY in 2007, and there aren't even any buildings at the World Trade Center site that look like the buildings they say were hit by planes that day. I call bullshit on the whole thing.
You can't post an NIST document as proof that a government coverup doesn't exist. :lol:

Plus how do you explain multiple firefighters instructing people to get away from the building because "it's about to blow?"
I cant?!
I think I just DID.

9/11 truthers are some of the most retarded people on the planet, right alongside birthers and moon landing deniers. fuck this stupid shit

Bravo! Awesome how you refuse to ask question and believe something just because someone has told you. Awesome close mind and narrow thinking. You're ust as bad as those claiming it was the government that did it. Just believe whatever you want.
Bravo! Awesome how you refuse to ask question and believe something just because someone has told you. Awesome close mind and narrow thinking. You're ust as bad as those claiming it was the government that did it. Just believe whatever you want.
Questioning something that has been explained to the best of human ability = pointless masturbatory exercise in perfect hindsight.
Questioning something that has been explained to the best of human ability = pointless masturbatory exercise in perfect hindsight.

I agree, but you are implying that is what's happening here, and that I disagree with.