Ontopic Flight 370

you don't need visual to have real-time tracking. You just need the data coming in. If it stops, it triggers an alarm & a person gets involved.

again, if multiple computers are tracking the info coming from a plane, you don't need a human to do 100% tracking. The redundant computers can be set up to allow for some variance and if the plane's information goes outside of that variance an alarm goes off & a person gets involved. At the point a person would get involved, that person could look at considerably more useful info about the plane than we have now.
You sure? So you apparently don't care about the ROBUST transponder system that is already in place which uses data from the plane+satellites etc. That leaves... RADAR!

Do you know how like the EARTH, is a SPHERE. Right? You know how radar is a beam (wave actually but w/e)? Now, when you project a beam, from a point on a sphere, the surface of the the sphere falls away from the line of the beam. Radar then provides a clear picture at low altitudes closer to the source of the radar...

Now given the line of sight and curvature of the earth you'd need a radar site like every 5 miles across the entire surface of the earth totally...
After over 100 posts bickering on aircraft tracking systems, I think it's time you all realize that you are not going to come to a consensus on this topic. Its simply a dick waving contest at this point.
sticking with that example, if you knew within a few hundred feet where the transmission stopped and had specific plane information, wouldn't it be easier to locate the wreckage and problemsolve?

certainly easier but still difficult. at hundreds of miles per hour and 35k feet it's still going to spread out a LOT

I completely agree that these airlines should install this hardware to make it easier but in most of these countries it wouldn't be a worthwhile PR move. the only reason airlines in the US comply is because they have to.
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After over 100 posts bickering on aircraft tracking systems, I think it's time you all realize that you are not going to come to a consensus on this topic. Its simply a dick waving contest at this point.

What waving dick may look like:

we've already established radar isn't the solution. it's a little primitive.
We already have something more.

It's called ADS. Planes send their location to other planes and to the ground automagically.

(Not required in most of asia africa and over international water)
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Ok... So why no distress contact saying "yoooo we going down "

A pilot was saying on the news this morning that making contact would have been their last thought rather than keeping the plane out of the drink. It's not like the radio is going to save them at that point.
A pilot was saying on the news this morning that making contact would have been their last thought rather than keeping the plane out of the drink. It's not like the radio is going to save them at that point.

yep. I read something along these lines too.

A great analogy was if you're driving your car & it starts sliding on ice, you're problem solving, not reaching out to anyone.
After over 100 posts bickering on aircraft tracking systems, I think it's time you all realize that you are not going to come to a consensus on this topic. Its simply a dick waving contest at this point.

My air traffic control tower makes yours look downright inadequate by comparison.

I'm talking about an actual control tower. I built one in my living room next to my roller coaster.
A pilot was saying on the news this morning that making contact would have been their last thought rather than keeping the plane out of the drink. It's not like the radio is going to save them at that point.

yep. I read something along these lines too.

A great analogy was if you're driving your car & it starts sliding on ice, you're problem solving, not reaching out to anyone.

Ya I guess this makes sense....
Faaak how sad.