Thread EErrrrrmmehhhgerddddd

how about if God is the same God and all mentioned are trying to reach it... as if it God is the center of a sphere and the religions are mere paths to the center, all different paths but all attempting to reach a similar goal

if we all start out in different places (ideologically, physically, culturally) it would be illogical if the same path would work for all to reach the same point

I used to like the image of a laser shining into a diamond or other cut gem. The laser is God, but the facets and light shining out of them is culture. Some facets allow for a greater light, some of the refracted light ends up closer to another beam of light, but ultimately none of them are the entirety
I used to like the image of a laser shining into a diamond or other cut gem. The laser is God, but the facets and light shining out of them is culture. Some facets allow for a greater light, some of the refracted light ends up closer to another beam of light, but ultimately none of them are the entirety

all religions god is the same god, but everyone calls him by a different name, and has different ideas about him? IE, religion is a manmade thing, that just has different definitions for the same ultimate concept (that there is a higher power, of some sort)?
There becomes the question.

If there is an afterlife, what if it's just a big collection of formless entities that respond to your discussion of your time on earth as 'yeah, we refer to that as retard time'
There's definitely an afterlife of some kind. I was a nonbeliever but have changed my mind. There's totally a spirit world.
all religions god is the same god, but everyone calls him by a different name, and has different ideas about him? IE, religion is a manmade thing, that just has different definitions for the same ultimate concept (that there is a higher power, of some sort)?
And what says there's only one God? Polytheism is more realistic IMHO
Trying to use logic to grasp the concept of an afterlife means you will never grasp the concept of an afterlife.

i was asking what made him change his mind to believe there is one, from not believing.

Im sure there was some reason, not just poofapoof wake up in the morning and suddenly you know theres an afterlife.

see, that would be nice to have. I used to go to church, but at some point it just became something i didnt like at all. It was either a lecture about shit that just made sense already and that i didnt need reiterated to me, or some sort of negative message about who to hate at the moment.

Tried going back to a nondenominational christian church about a month ago, and at least 4 times during the hour long service the priestdude made sure to point out how the jewish people were all going to hell because they didnt believe in jesus, and that they were at fault for the worlds evils. What the fuck, over. I came really close to walking out of that one.

hell is marketing "Just Say No" to sinning

And what says there's only one God? Polytheism is more realistic IMHO

more realistic if there are many gods? even the Hindus I know claim that really they believe in an entity with many aspects to it that take forms as different deities but are in fact different aspects of one deity (course I may not be getting the full story from my select sample pool)