Tampa Dory does Dallas, Drool, Dave, Damon, Dan, Dharma ... but not Domon

Neither of these look uber intimidating. What's the time limit?
Challenge: The Dagwood sandwich consists of 21 oz of cold cut meats (7 oz of turkey, 7 oz of roast beef and 7 oz of ham), cheese and mayo on french bread along side a pile of french fries.
Time Limit: 30 Minutes
People: 1
Prize: If completed you receive your picture on the Wall of Fame along with a free T-shirt that says “I devoured The Dagwood”. If you lose you recieve a T-Shirt that says ” The Dagwood Kicked My !**”
Rules: It would appear that the time limit is the only rule, but make sure to check with the restaurant before attempting this challenge.

Thurman's is often associated with its famous burger known as the Thurmanator. It consists of a bun, lettuce, tomato, mayo, American cheese, provolone cheese, ham, sauteed onions, mushrooms, a 12 ounce burger, bacon, cheddar cheese, hot peppers, and another 12 ounce burger. The burger also comes with house made kettle chips and a pickle spear. Richman explains the Thurmanator originated as the preferred fuel for competitors in the Arnold Classic bodybuilding competition.
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Reactions: Amstel
Ill keep a planner open for a future trip out in your direction. Would be great to hang out with and the family :)
Honestly we'd really love it. Or hopefully at least the next time you come to the states it won't be during a crappy time for us to travel (kiddo is having something special this spring which is really messing with things from late Feb-late April)

You can eat all that crap Luis posted too. I'll just smile and have a tiny portion compared to that all though :fly:
We have booked a place in NOLA from 30th March to 6th April so will be there that week :)
ok so you flipped it on me biatch
1st it was Texas THEN NOLA
ok fiiiiine
as long as i know where everyone's at on the weekend of the 7th ill just go there

don't you bastards lie to me and send me to the wrong city


So AirBnB doesn't have anything good in League City soooooooo Ill have to get a hotel (ewww) near by cuz Houston looks too far
so can Drool me whats near by?

is @Dharma1521 going to?

Trying to figure out flights and stuff. Can I crash with someone? I'll spoon the fuck out of Maureen.
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Reactions: Peppers and Petunia