Tampa Dory does Dallas, Drool, Dave, Damon, Dan, Dharma ... but not Domon

I don't think we've seen him since he moved to TX. We used to get to see him several times a year.

Sadly both TX and LA are a bit too far to make a trip during the school year. Now if you were going to NY I'd try it because I need to get out there *sigh*
I was in NY four times last year woman!!! I don't think I'll be going back there after that short engagement :fly:
Cool. Well I'm flying out late on the 9th I imagine (haven't seen the itinerary) so maybe hang out on the Friday?

Yeah, friday is cool.
Ill even take the day off :cool:
Well gather some folks, Ill burn some shit on the bbq and play some cards against humanity :cool:
No hitting on my son tho.