Deep holes v.gravity/air pressure


Oct 1, 2004
Say I dig a hole 500 miles down into the Earth. Now pretend its solid 500 miles down, not sure if it really is. Would I weigh more or less if I set down a scale?
FlamingGlory said:

here I changed it so you'd understand:

Say I dig a hole 500 miles down into the Earth, I hate Americans. Now pretend its solid 500 miles down, I hate Americans, not sure if it really is, I hate Americans. Would I weigh more or less if I set down a scale ... I hate Americans.
fly said:

Closer you are to the center of gravity, the heavier it will pull you towards it. Weight is directly proportionate to gravity. You take a scale to the lowest place on Earth and weighed yourself, then you take that same scale to the highest spot on earth, you'll weigh less on the highest spot. (I'm not talking drastic difference)
b_sinning said:
But with that logic you would weigh less on the top of everst.
Coqui said:
Closer you are to the center of gravity, the heavier it will pull you towards it. Weight is directly proportionate to gravity. You take a scale to the lowest place on Earth and weighed yourself, then you take that same scale to the highest spot on earth, you'll weigh less on the highest spot. (I'm not talking drastic difference)

*grabs popcorn*
Coqui said:
Closer you are to the center of gravity, the heavier it will pull you towards it. Weight is directly proportionate to gravity. You take a scale to the lowest place on Earth and weighed yourself, then you take that same scale to the highest spot on earth, you'll weigh less on the highest spot. (I'm not talking drastic difference)
Don't know if only 500 some feet deep will make that noticable
Coqui is right. 500 miles is a huge difference than the few thousand feet of a mountain top. You go 500 miles further way from the surface and gravity drastically decreases.
elpmis said:
here I changed it so you'd understand:

Say I dig a hole 500 miles down into the Earth, I hate Americans. Now pretend its solid 500 miles down, I hate Americans, not sure if it really is, I hate Americans. Would I weigh more or less if I set down a scale ... I hate Americans.
As you go further inside the Earth, the force you feel due to gravity lessens, assuming the Earth is has a uniform density all the way throughout. Less force means you weigh less.

Thanks and goodnight