Choose your own adventure.


Flaccid Member
May 6, 2005
So... here I find myself at the end of a long night of drinking wondering if I have done something wrong. I think it doesn't help that my hand is currently 50% red from being covered in blood. Regardless...

The situation is as follows. You meet a friend at a bar. You used to frequent this bar all of the time, but not so much anymore. One of the waitresses sees you and comes up and gives you a rather hefty kiss on the cheek. What do you do? (This is the choose your adventure part.)
you make some flirty, witty comment and see how she takes it. in other words, you put the ball back in her court. see what her next move is.
As she walks away, spank her real hard, right on the ass. The manager sees this (who is also her secret lover) and asks you and your friend to leave the bar. You're friend is all juiced up on steroids and is a total meathead. He stands up and starts pushing the manager (whisky balls odviously) and yelling loudly that his girlfriend is a slut for kissing you int he first place....
Candy said:
As she walks away, spank her real hard, right on the ass. The manager sees this (who is also her secret lover) and asks you and your friend to leave the bar. You're friend is all juiced up on steroids and is a total meathead. He stands up and starts pushing the manager (whisky balls odviously) and yelling loudly that his girlfriend is a slut for kissing you int he first place....
What the hell. :lol:
fly said:
What the hell. :lol:

I don't know what that was, either. But I liked it. :D (I actually was looking for more amusing answers to this.)

My hand was covered in blood because I had a sneezing fit with a bloody nose. Not the best combination. (For those that were curious.)
Why are you even posting on the internet about this? You should bang that waitress immediately.

taeric said:
I don't know what that was, either. But I liked it. :D (I actually was looking for more amusing answers to this.)

My hand was covered in blood because I had a sneezing fit with a bloody nose. Not the best combination. (For those that were curious.)

wtf I was thinking you punched some [ADMIN EDIT] out.
whatta letdown.
Drool-Boy said:
wtf I was thinking you punched some [ADMIN EDIT] out.
whatta letdown.

Next time I make a choose your own adventure thread I'll have that be one of the options. Even if the story involves Transformers.
Candy said:
As she walks away, spank her real hard, right on the ass. The manager sees this (who is also her secret lover) and asks you and your friend to leave the bar. You're friend is all juiced up on steroids and is a total meathead. He stands up and starts pushing the manager (whisky balls odviously) and yelling loudly that his girlfriend is a slut for kissing you int he first place....

Go Candy go ! :)
KNYTE said:
Why are you even posting on the internet about this? You should bang that waitress immediately.


I was posting about it because I was drunk and found it amusing. :) I think I should have worded it more like a choose your own adventure, but I also think I was doing good to get something typed. That... and I don't know how I would do that "go to page 12 for tubgirl fun" stuff. I suppose a simple link would work.

And sorry it was just a nosebleed. I'm not one to get in too many fights. Though, oddly I did put Fight Club on while going to sleep. I always find great amusement in watching the scene where he can't go to sleep when it is 2 in the morning. :)