Ontopic Brits, ya'll ok over there?

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Do you not think religion has done good for people too?

It was very good for the spaniards. If the Aztecs hadn't been sacrificing their people left and right to Quetzlcoatl, they might have had the manpower to stop Cortés in his glorious mission to bring Catholicism to the masses and gold to the Queen.
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It was very good for the spaniards. If the Aztecs hadn't been sacrificing their people left and right to Quetzlcoatl, they might have had the manpower to stop Cortés in his glorious mission to bring Catholicism to the masses and gold to the Queen.

to be fair to the aztecs, they totally didn't expect a sort of spanish inquisition
I went to a show in Mexico once about the history of the country. It was really good for awhile but all entertainment value was torpedoed the minute the Spanish showed up.
There are better examples, sure, but it's all my brain came up with coupled with the amount of care I put into the post in response to the specific user.
The biggest Christian terrorist has to be Columbus, right?
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Why does everyone make such a fuss over so little. There have probably been more people killed by eating bad celery today than in the little fracas at Westminster. Someone on my Facebook posted a 'safe during the attack at Westminster' status. He's drinking 130 miles away from London so of course he's fucking safe. It this is the level of ISIS terrorism ( which it may have nothing to do with ) then can we please just get on with our lives and stop worrying about it.
Isis shmisis
Compared to 2800+.
nobody ever stated the total # was the same, but you should also consider the denominator is smaller (assuming the numerator here is those who've suffered antiabortion violence vs victims of Islamic terrorism, and the denominator is those who are in a position to be affected by it, which would be those involved in or seeking abortion vs. most of the US population)
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I am a christian and i would never attack an abortion clinic. In fact that would be a great place to pick up sluts
"Hey sweetie I'm here to help. Here's some Percs, and were going to Denny's.
Later I'll soak you in a nice, hot bath.
I know the vag is a bit sore so I'll take it easy on you for a few days and you can just blow me every time I wake from a nap k?"