Beaches be mad about this pic.....

You're so dramatic.

I said LOOKS like... tell me those don't look fake the way she has them pushed up to her chin.

tbh, to me (outside of the post pregnancy issue) it looks like it would be a total fraud. Like, just by those looks, you know that when you get into the bedroom she'll INSIST on leaving the bra on.

Try it april, you could look like that. that's why they call it a 'wonder' bra.
tbh, to me it looks like a fraud. Like, just by those looks, you know that when you get into the bedroom she'll INSIST on leaving the bra on.

Try it april, you could look like that. that's why they call it a 'wonder' bra.
Psh. I barely wear a bra as it is.
Did you see her boobs? Based on the picture it's a POOR boob job.


You're so dramatic.

I said LOOKS like... tell me those don't look fake the way she has them pushed up to her chin.

i was referncing the above post where you kind of insinuated.... i'm not being're being silly. this pic is a beautiful should encourage this....not talk shit about it.
i was referncing the above post where you kind of insinuated.... i'm not being're being silly. this pic is a beautiful should encourage this....not talk shit about it.
lol, smh... did the jvag smiley and who I quoted not register with you as a NOT SERIOUS comment?

Stop hating!
You bitch and biiiiitch about self hate but there you are in all your flat chested glory hating on everyone else with a nice rack

I have something for you... it's pretty special.

I must admit I'm pretty jealous of this girl. I went from a size 2 to a size 8 from pregnancy. People who knew me before pregnancy can attest to the fact that I was a skinny girl. I didn't overeat during pregnancy and only gained 15 lbs. In fact, for most of my pregnancy I couldn't eat anything because of hyperemesis. I was in and out of the hospital and I was not allowed to work out, period. The shape of my body changed drastically though. I admit I have some fat to burn off now, but I'm never going to be a size 2 again no matter what I do. Also, I still looked 6 months pregnant for like a month after I had Sam because of trapped gasses in my belly. I just hope to look healthy. My goal is by next bathing suit season to be bikini ready. I suppose I should just be happy I have boobs now. So what if they sag to my knees? Boob surgery is in my future.
Berg Eriksen's soccer star husband even chimed in on Facebook, writing in his native tongue:
Who is it that creates body pressure? The one who posts selfie in lingerie because she is proud of herself, or those discussing (on the Internet) how a woman's body should look like after birth?