Jacket weather it is! We are already wearing tanks/shorts down here. Time to pull the winter clothes back out.
been wearing shorts, short sleeves and flip flops here too. it got a bit cold again the last 2 days though.
Jacket weather it is! We are already wearing tanks/shorts down here. Time to pull the winter clothes back out.

I was out at Beercan island on my friends boat the weekend before last. The water is just about there for being swimable. As it is, standing waist deep, shooting the shit and drinking bears while watching shore shenanigans is completely doable. Another couple weeks, people will be in the water in droves.
I'm driving in on Friday, so if Juli can get her butt up at the crack of dawn, then she can come we me. I don't like the odds of that though.
What time will you guys be in the city? early? I start at 8am. So if Juli were to come with me she would be there around 8am.