Thread All new 2019 Super Duper Sperm thread!

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There was a kid dressed as a soldier tonight. I always thought that was an odd costume. I feel like it unnecessarily romanticizes that role.
Wow, this is the US where we . . .

*eyes turn black, thunderclap booms

Wow, this is the US where we . . .

*eyes turn black, thunderclap booms

Give it a rest FFS. If someone was shooting at you first thing you'd be praying for(yeah, that!) would be for someone to please shoot back so your ass isn't killed. War sucks, all soldier do not automatically do so. Unless commanded to do so. ;/
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Give it a rest FFS. If someone was shooting at you first thing you'd be praying for(yeah, that!) would be for someone to please shoot back so your ass isn't killed. War sucks, all soldier do not automatically do so. Unless commanded to do so. ;/

We need to bring back the draft, make these little malcontents do their hitch.
We need to bring back the draft, make these little malcontents do their hitch.
I'd love to see a service draft. Not a military one (although that could be an option) but a draft where people got selected to come in and do work on some sort of service project for a year or two.

I think Germany and a few other countries in Europe do it.
As if anyone wants to pay them.

It’s a fantastic idea (Asa) but it’s unaffordable without more tax revenue.
I'd love to see a service draft. Not a military one (although that could be an option) but a draft where people got selected to come in and do work on some sort of service project for a year or two.

I think Germany and a few other countries in Europe do it.

Same, and no it doesn't have to be military (although for those that don't know, a pretty large majority of military jobs don't involve pulling triggers).

Could be any kind of public work or public service. Research labs, infrastructure projects, national parks, all kinds of stuff.
Bizarro world today.

I’m in an outstanding mood despite a creeping headache and wetwille got up grumpy.

Lighten up Ed. It’s marvelous to be not me. Use that.
Ha-ha. No brobaba, I was just talking smack. I'm in a great mood -its friday!:cool: We got an inch of snow during the night so it was beautiful driving through the countryside to work. But yeah, fuck work!
I'm glad that there are some people like hoggz on the bleeding edge of "white people you're fucking up this whole black/white thing!" and other issues. Without some radicalization people often forget an issue is still there.
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Pretty crappy free-candy night. Two bags of candy sated the children. Two more as spares. Last year we went through 4 and had to turn kids away at the end.

Must be visiting a new neighborhood.
Our neighborhood wasn't too much of a shitshow this year. No idea where everyone here went either.

We went and hid at the theatre watching The Joker. Twas pretty good.
The engineering in that shows massive brain activity. Leaving the street open after discovering those massive cracks shows just how stupid even the smartest people can be.

Hopefully the families of the dead motorists/non-construction folks got yuge uncontested settlements.
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The engineering in that shows massive brain activity. Leaving the street open after discovering those massive cracks shows just how stupid even the smartest people can be.

Hopefully the families of the dead motorists/non-construction folks got yuge uncontested settlements.
Engineering hubris was the cause of this. "We designed the bridge right! it's fine even though the cracks going through it are expanding! it's safe I swear! Because it'll hurt our pride if we admit this bridge is fucked!"

The dead/injured construction folks aren't to blame, they're just techs that were following the orders of the engineers telling them what to do, they deserve compensation just like the rest of them.
Engineering hubris was the cause of this. "We designed the bridge right! it's fine even though the cracks going through it are expanding! it's safe I swear! Because it'll hurt our pride if we admit this bridge is fucked!"

The dead/injured construction folks aren't to blame, they're just techs that were following the orders of the engineers telling them what to do, they deserve compensation just like the rest of them.

Exactly. It’s too bad none of the construction lead personnel had the power to close the street first. Heck, even Costco started closing adjacent aisles when forklifting in another after a few folks got crushed.
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