
I like LSD like once every three years. I just need a reminder of the experience and then I'm good. I'm not sure I'll do it anymore though. I find it harder to get myself in the correct headspace to even start on that journey than it used to be.
Yeah, me + LSD = Fear and Loathing bath scene. No shit. I've had a couple of good times on it but damn, the bad far outway the good. Give me some nice magic mushrooms any day, can't have a bad time on those. :)

I've eaten too many shrooms before. had to go lay down for a while because my head was in another galaxy. that was eons ago in my teens:fly:
I've always been quite good at controlling my dosage so that I'm in full control at all times. :)

My favourite ever drug and one which I'd never turn down is the truly dirty Ketamine. :drool:

I was a kid and I was home so I was in a safe environment. all good