
Shrooms are fun but acid is still better. DMT is more visual but shorter acting. I love to hallucinate. I'm not very attached to this reality anyway. It's been years since I've done any.

If you never done much hallucinatory drugs start with shrooms.
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One time years ago I went into a cow field with my wife and one of her girlfriends in the middle of the night. The friend was the easily spooked type. We're walking along and all of the sudden walk into a bunch of mexican workers sleeping illegally in the field. We were a little messed up and didn't realize what we had done at first until they started waking up and yelling in Spanish. It scared the hell out of us and them. We took off running in one direction and a whole group of them took off the opposite way. Once we got back to the car and calmed down we laughed her asses off. I bet they thought INS had found them.