Ontopic Wall Street protest[s]...things

Well thats a step in the right direction. Yes, the economy can't support everyone being a millionaire. Although anyone can get rich, not everyone wants to. Thats how it all works!

But it doesn't work, and that's why I would like to see change.
Success is relative. I have found great success; wonderful SO, great job, great home. We aren't living outside our means and know how to enjoy the simpler things...imo.

People need to calm it with the idea that more is better. No one NEEDS that much money or that much house to be successful. If that's what makes a person happy, then they have bigger problems and it's sad...

Success is relative. I have found great success; wonderful SO, great job, great home. We aren't living outside our means and know how to enjoy the simpler things...imo.

People need to calm it with the idea that more is better. No one NEEDS that much money or that much house to be successful. If that's what makes a person happy, then they have bigger problems and it's sad...

Pretty much what I've been saying for two pages.
Success is relative. I have found great success; wonderful SO, great job, great home. We aren't living outside our means and know how to enjoy the simpler things...imo.

People need to calm it with the idea that more is better. No one NEEDS that much money or that much house to be successful. If that's what makes a person happy, then they have bigger problems and it's sad...


This is what people are thinking when they look at HUGE corporations. They don't need that much money.
Yeah so no one has ever guaranteed an equality of outcomes. Just everyone gets a chance. -.-

That's only what the government can secure, yet there is more in life that will influence whether or not someone is successful.
Yes, everyone needs money, but not everyone needs to be rich or live in a big house or drive a fancy car or have a private jet or whatever. Many of us are happy without that. I think the problem is that the gulf in between the haves and the have nots is growing. There is less and less opportunity. I don't think that everyone starts out on the same playing field. When's the last time a poor man became president? When's the last time the guy that didn't collect the most money during a campaign won an election? When is the last time a rich man went to jail for fraud for taking Americans for a ride that costs us millions?

Admittedly, we average Americans could make better choices with what to do with our meager salaries. We could choose not to get into so much debt. We could be more motivated and inventive. We could have more pride in ourselves and our country. We could be less materialistic but obviously that's not what our government or our big corporations want from us. There's a lot everyone could do to make things better, but nobody is willing to really.

It's the same as the problem with balancing the budget. We all recognize cuts need to be made and we all recognize taxes probably need to increase, but nobody wants to give up anything. It's not workable. So then the question become who should sacrifice. Since rich people can buy their way out of anything, I guess it's the middle class and the poor that will surely be forced to bite the bullet while swallowing some line by some jackass politician. Oh, and I'm not choosing sides, they are all jackasses.