All Sarcasm aside

And to think, you could have spent the 20k on a boob job, become a stripper, and made a crapload more money than you are now without wasting time in college.
A 20k boob job would be the best looking boobs ever! You bring up a good point.
How much more would you need for a degree? Doesn't it seem silly to spend 20k and have nothing to show for it?
I'm in college now, graduate next June. I would quit now if I didn't have so much money tied up in it.
You know you need more than one op for that kinda enlargement....
Hey now!
A 20k boob job would be the best looking boobs ever! You bring up a good point.

I'm in college now, graduate next June. I would quit now if I didn't have so much money tied up in it.

Hey now!

good girl!! having a degree can mean many other means more than you may think now. :heart: you can doo eet!!
Please enlighten me on what a business degree can do for someone who wants to start their own business.

I obviously don't need a degree to get a foot in my own door.
Please enlighten me on what a business degree can do for someone who wants to start their own business.

I obviously don't need a degree to get a foot in my own door.

Well, the Doctor I work for actually went back to school, (U of Miami- blech) and got a second Masters, in Business Administration, to be better equipped to start her own radiation oncology company.

Quote 'I knew medicine, I didn't know business. My MBA made it so I could not only start a radiation oncology business, but make money off it too'.

Just sayin, it's not a waste, but it IS what you look to get out of it that determines what you really get out of it.
it's true...i wondered why i was getting one, especially after i met and knew that spange and i were going to be together for a long time...i have always wanted to be a SAHM....but my parents paid for it and they were like, "why NOT get one?" so i did.

but before i was one, that degree that i wasn't even using earned me $2 MORE an hour at my job than not having one...that degree got me into a position i would not have been able to get BECAUSE i had a degree (that had nothing to do with the job!)...
and like it or not, it says stuff about have what it takes to get through training to achieve a goal...all that stuff...
there's an instant judgment that comes along with having a degree...and it helps you ultimately. so don't worry about "using" it or not doing what you have a degree will help you out. it's worth it.
and besides, you get a CRAZY AWESOME gift out of graduating college. like people get cool trips and cruises and stuff. so go for the will buy. :fly: :heart:
Please enlighten me on what a business degree can do for someone who wants to start their own business.

I obviously don't need a degree to get a foot in my own door.

because someone who's looking at your newly formed business' website might or might not hire you based on that credential. fact.
an undergrad degree is pretty much worthless these days...there, I said it...a masters gets you the respect walking in the door that an undergrad degree got you 30 years ago
I think it's better to go to college if you know what you want to do. I have a 4 year degree that has done absolutely nothing for me, so now I'm at it again. I know what I want to do now. The really sucky thing is that just the piece of paper is not gonna help me enough. I'm going to have to get other experience while I'm at it with the whole college thing. It's so disgustingly expensive too. Be glad you got off for $20K April. I'm fairly certain my total bill is gonna be somewhere around $60K. It sucks but at this point I'm driven.
It didn't help you understand best practices in regards to running your own business?
Heck no, it was a poor financial decision to pay for school when I could be self taught and get experience on the job. Now I'm 20k in debt and have very little to show for it. Schools aren't like they used to be I guess. It's about the college making money and turning profit before it is about educating the future. Silly scam. /rant
Well, the Doctor I work for actually went back to school, (U of Miami- blech) and got a second Masters, in Business Administration, to be better equipped to start her own radiation oncology company.

Quote 'I knew medicine, I didn't know business. My MBA made it so I could not only start a radiation oncology business, but make money off it too'.

Just sayin, it's not a waste, but it IS what you look to get out of it that determines what you really get out of it.
I guess I'm not getting what I want out of my degree. I'm bored as heck with mostly A's in my courses and not doing a lick of studying.
it's true...i wondered why i was getting one, especially after i met and knew that spange and i were going to be together for a long time...i have always wanted to be a SAHM....but my parents paid for it and they were like, "why NOT get one?" so i did.

but before i was one, that degree that i wasn't even using earned me $2 MORE an hour at my job than not having one...that degree got me into a position i would not have been able to get BECAUSE i had a degree (that had nothing to do with the job!)...
and like it or not, it says stuff about have what it takes to get through training to achieve a goal...all that stuff...
there's an instant judgment that comes along with having a degree...and it helps you ultimately. so don't worry about "using" it or not doing what you have a degree will help you out. it's worth it.
and besides, you get a CRAZY AWESOME gift out of graduating college. like people get cool trips and cruises and stuff. so go for the will buy. :fly: :heart:
I still don't see a benefit tho. :( I care very little about what a degree says about me.
You with a 20k boob job brings up something else as well :drool: :fly:
Dirty old man. :lol:
Heck no, it was a poor financial decision to pay for school when I could be self taught and get experience on the job. Now I'm 20k in debt and have very little to show for it. Schools aren't like they used to be I guess. It's about the college making money and turning profit before it is about educating the future. Silly scam. /rant

There are college scams out there nowadays and I think its just terrible. They find people that want to better themselves and sink them into debt.