All Sarcasm aside

It's not very good, either. Their cherry blend is better. Luckily I have a case of Shiner to back me up.

wheres the giggle smilie - there's some innuendo in there somewhere

Sarcasmo's fav?
I can't do the vanilla ones. Only straight up Diet Cherry Coke.

But I'm done with diet sodas forever. I decided that if nature wanted me to ingest aspartame it would've made it a delicious herb.

Quickly, post more barely intelligible pop culture references.


quickly, get something on paper about an education before all your attempts to look intelligent on an internet forum look like nothing more than a hilarious pissing competition in which everyone is more skilled than you - despite years of your rants deperately trying to prove otherwise through the medium of wikipedia and freedom from any job of importance

quickly zrh, it's only been 5 years!!
the cortisol high of the morning means i come prepared never to be challanged.

me. me.
What is that stuff you got me once, it was like a specialty beer tasted like cherries and chocolate.
Dunno, I don't think it would have been cherry beer because it took me years to drink that stuff. Was it in the Trip to Jerusalem pub? That's the kind of place that does ales like that (albeit before they got brought out by a shitty commercial brewery recently and started selling stella and guinness :rolleyes: )
Mebbe. One of the few I've liked. Not normally a big fan of beer, makes feel all icky and generally tastes like some sort of yeasty tea.
Heh, I actaully wrote a bit on how I liked the taste of spirits and deleted it before I posted. When I dont have to have something socially I go straight for liquor, gin+ice/whiskey+water/bourbon+ice.