My neighbor is under Federal indictment!


I like the AB in the GB
Oct 19, 2004
South Harmon Institute of Technology
We have a couple of Indian reservations up here in Maine and there's been rumors of shady shit swirling for years. Looks like its finally come to a head.

My neighbor has been indicted as the co-conspirator! :eek:

As a side note he got the job through a former neighbor of mine who is a tribe member and was their chief legal council for several years. This guy lived here in Portland and would drive 3 hours twice a week to and from work. He got a nice fat mileage check for that way above the minimum required by the state. It paid for his BMW M5 in total.

And it looks like my current neighbor, the one under indictment, is home from work. He's some higher up at a local bank branch. Guess you can't have federally indicted people working at your bank when you been accused of defrauding the government for $1.7 million. :fly:

The arraignment is the 28th. I'm hoping some news trucks show up all TMZ style, we have a TV station up the street.
I wish my neighbors would get arrested. Buncha gotdamn hillbillies living over there with 5 - 8 cars in front of the house at all time that all leak oil everywhere.
I come from a long line of hillbillies so I knows em when I sees em.

there are rednecks and there are hillbillies...rednecks are obnoxious and hillbillies are ignorant and cuddly and generally don't hurt anyone until they're intoxicated and try to shoot the legs off of frogs.
Which one has car parts, a broken shed, 2ft tall weeds and a dead tree in the back yard?

I'm going to go with rednecks on this one. At least that's what I would consider my parents neighbors. They have at least 6 broken cars, an unlivable house (they had a manufactured home put up next to it and have just left the old one in place slowly falling apart), trailers, dead trees, a small plot of dead grass, and way too many dogs which they don't have fenced in and only feed whatever was left over from the table that day.
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