My dog is a carpet muncher

the majority of that would be spent sleeping regardless of being in a cage or not

Still to me just seems kinda mean, especially in a small cage. My roomie would die for a dog right now but with work and how much he goes out there is no way we could possibly own one. The dog would be locked up 10-11 hours a day, fuck that. Ill buy a bird :fly:
And now I'm going to fuck you up. You don't have a dog don't fucking tell me how to train mine. Dogs mess up the house when they get bored, no amount of training is going to make him not get bored.

I love how the claws really come out in doggie threads :fly: chicks here are very protective of their pups
I feel like im walking on eggshells cause I know how much you guys love animals so if any of my questions piss you off let me know and Ill keep outta the thread.

Dogs are den animals so being in confined areas actually makes them feel safe so crate training per se isn't a punishment. Lu actually loves her crate and sleeps in there often. The only issue is the length of time being confined. The jury is still out on there so arguing that is like debating religion or politics.
And now I'm going to fuck you up. You don't have a dog don't fucking tell me how to train mine. Dogs mess up the house when they get bored, no amount of training is going to make him not get bored.

yeah and minpins are especially mischevious by nature. Damn smart too.
Dogs are den animals so being in confined areas actually makes them feel safe so crate training per se isn't a punishment. Lu actually loves her crate and sleeps in there often. The only issue is the length of time being confined. The jury is still out on there so arguing that is like debating religion or politics.

You know what, never thought of it that way, like keeping a bear in a cave. Makes more sense now but I still think 10 hours is a little much unless you have a tiny dog and a big cage, but im talkin like closet size cage...

What about locking a dog in a closet? would that upset anyone? I am serious, like a walk in closet, it would be more room and just keep the light on.
You know what, never thought of it that way, like keeping a bear in a cave. Makes more sense now but I still think 10 hours is a little much unless you have a tiny dog and a big cage, but im talkin like closet size cage...

What about locking a dog in a closet? would that upset anyone? I am serious, like a walk in closet, it would be more room and just keep the light on.

That isn't really necessary unless you're putting down paper or pads for them to potty on, and then I wouldn't want that stuff lingering around my clothes.

Laundry rooms with tile floors are good.

For short times (up to 4 hours) we leave Lu in her crate and she's fine. Just curls up and sleeps. After about 4 hours she starts barking and whining which is her cue to pee.
You know what, never thought of it that way, like keeping a bear in a cave. Makes more sense now but I still think 10 hours is a little much unless you have a tiny dog and a big cage, but im talkin like closet size cage...

What about locking a dog in a closet? would that upset anyone? I am serious, like a walk in closet, it would be more room and just keep the light on.

but what if it refuses to come out of the closet? :haaay:

or what if the door doesn't open and he's....TRAPPED IN THE CLOSET!?! :omy:
That isn't really necessary unless you're putting down paper or pads for them to potty on, and then I wouldn't want that stuff lingering around my clothes.

Laundry rooms with tile floors are good.

For short times (up to 4 hours) we leave Lu in her crate and she's fine. Just curls up and sleeps. After about 4 hours she starts barking and whining which is her cue to pee.

So little dogs have to pee more often then big dogs? Or is it just the minpin in general?
but what if it refuses to come out of the closet? :haaay:

or what if the door doesn't open and he's....TRAPPED IN THE CLOSET!?! :omy:

Dont worry, Tom will get him out...

Hrm, I always figured everything was scaled down which would also include the intake. I am curious, not being an ass ;)

Yeah, I know with the whole proportions and all.

But I'm with you on the being left alone 10 hours a day 5 days a week is less than ideal. Dogs are pack animals and it's not in their nature to be left alone. Ryan and I always saw it like having a kid, not another cat.

I haven't found anywhere in my quick google search which condoned 10+ hours a day in a crate, equally, I haven't found anywhere which condoned leaving a dog run loose in the house alone for as long.

Certainly many dogs are in schedules that are more demanding, even to the point of 10 hours crated while their owners are at work five days a week. This level of crating is very challenging over the long term and some if not many, will end up with anxiety as a result and become difficult to crate, destructive when they are out, hyperactive and generally neurotic as they have few options in dealing with this level of stress. To suggest that these dogs would be better left loose in the house is equally irresponsible as they are so stressed as to now lack (assuming they ever had them) the skills to deal with good behavior while loose. For a dog that is either inexperienced or now expressing the result of a poor crating schedule, the best choice in most cases is to introduce the dog to a more ideal schedule and regular breaks (ideally starting at more often than every 4 hours).

So either way leaving your dog home alone is bad. :fly:

Someone break the news to SchmilK that I'm now a stay-at-home doggah mommah.