Who else is a stick in the mud?

My school forced me to from the age of 4. I think I drew what I wanted to be about 30 times, then played in a sandpit.

Educational, huh?

Nice. I think if you were to ask Ethan right now his answer would either be a pirate or a train. Not a train engineer, a train. He's crazy.
I say we all just have our own miny meat this weekend since we all refused to go to ATL. Tampa "Vienna Sausage" 2006. Which will consist of me drinking beer and breakdancing to old Bad Religion songs.

I'd be up for that! You've got to bring Beatie Boys albums, too. Hey, There's this great pub called Limey's on 4th Street. I'd be up to having a Mini Bay Area Meet there. How about tonight?
I'd be up for that! You've got to bring Beatie Boys albums, too. Hey, There's this great pub called Limey's on 4th Street. I'd be up to having a Mini Bay Area Meet there. How about tonight?

That means I would have to iron my Tuxedo T-Shirt and I don't know if I can do that.
We actually thought about moving to Vegas for a little while. We will probably be going in Feb (long enough for the little one to get a bit bigger and I'll be really sick of winter about then).

We live about 5 hours from Vegas, so we don't just pop in regularly but it's a fun place to go and an easy get away for when we need it.

Wow, my imagination sure sucks then, doesn't it?

Is the timeshare new? Is that the place you posted pics of from your last trip? (I thought that one was just a hotel.)

Also, you can leave your massive cat with me if you want. It would be awesome to entertain that beast for a while.

No we've owned the timeshare for a few years now. Yes that's the one you saw pictures of. (you think I could afford a 1400 sq ft hotel room? :fly:

If you want one cat for the week, you'll have to get all three. Their a group contract. (yes we just got a new one)