Hi. Your pix go here now.

on-the-spot tortillas definitely make it worthwhile.
I wanted to try Baleadas they are good, it's beans and eggs and like a puffy tortilla that tastes kindaike a pancake. It's hard to find Honduran food out here, Annapolis is all el Salvador and mexico.
somebody asked me the other day if they just come to me like I'm Candyman :lol:

but this old lady is from one of the two hives right next to the door I'm sitting in the frame of, and with temps dropping they're getting sluggish and dying, and I just happened to be in her way as she fell/plopped onto my noggin. I was able to tilt my head and let her climb off and onto the door frame.

this is Polistes fuscatus, a dark paper wasp, and fwiw they're usually pretty chill anyway, but I do think they're familiar enough with me to know I'm not a threat, which helps in this situation. this one is a female, so capable of stinging (the stinger is a modified ovipositor), but she's also probably too tired to sting to protect just herself anyway. the males you can usually spot because their faces are more yellow and their antennae are curlier at the tips, and they don't have stingers at all.
Everyone is a little gay, my dude. If you don't wanna admit it, that's fine.
As for myself, if it's gay to have such an awesome car, I guess I'll be picking @fly up this Friday for date night
I'm busting your balls mazdas are cool.

And you know everyone says that and whatever I don't care but just not my bag. On the other hand... women are actually like addictive and it's not good.