Ontopic Poo-litical Thrad

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But be aware that in a two party first past the post system, choosing a no shot, but correct for you option has consequences.

Im not gonna say you shouldnt do it, cause its the right thing to do, but I am not going to do it this year despite having done so in the past.

For a national election I could see that being a consideration if you live in a swing state. Places that are fairly solidly blue or red anyway not so much.
OOD is in South Carolina btw. Didn't know if you knew that or not.
  • Gravy
Reactions: nukes and OOD
For a national election I could see that being a consideration if you live in a swing state. Places that are fairly solidly blue or red anyway not so much.
OOD is in South Carolina btw. Didn't know if you knew that or not.
This was the case for me. Red state and county. No chance of a democrat getting the electoral college in SC. Local levels can go either way, one of the reasons I would never vote straight party. A lot of these folks from Florida on here don't get that. They have a whole different situation going on.
  • Gravy
Reactions: HipHugHer and nukes
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