Food UF Fart Group? - EAT YOUR PEAS

I guess they can't grow lab fat cells? Because if so you could just marble the muscle with it.

That was my next question. Are they growing this in the form of all the different types of muscles in the animal or is it some generic, all encompassing "meat product"? Do they exercise it in different ways and intensities like an animal does?

Can they grow the fat in with the muscle? If not, it'll be about as tender as a shoe.

Might have to sous vide it.
Breakfast fried rice with egg whites, turkey sausage, and broccoli.

Turned out god.
I'd eat it!! I see why you got gas. Egg and broccoli farts :eek:
We've been eating asparagus everyday, since it has to be picked every day. So we go from asparagus piss to asparagus farts. Works great for regularity too. :)
Keeping the trains running on time sounds like a Stalin thing more than anything.

Train didn't arrive on time? Send the conductor to the gulag. Not the conductor's fault because the train broke down? who cares, gulag.