Pics InstagrUF (MMS thread v4, noodle free edition)

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Cooking overall isn't complicated, imo. It's just following directions. :p

there's a lot of truth to that.

For me, it was tough figuring out what all the directions were.
ie: 'room temperature butter' = NOT the temp that's on your thermostat, but about 55 degrees, still firm, etc.
'cream the butter & sugar' = NOT smooth sweet butter with the sugar melted into it, but sandy feeling.

I think when the cooks write the cookbooks they're using terms they understand, not newbies.
Depends on your phone, but fly has stated before that the email they go to is a gmail account, so on the receiving end it would be whatever google's max was
Unless fly modified that.
yeah, but not complicated. & really, refrigerating the dough is the pain part. I also think you can skip it altogether and buy the little dough rounds frozen iirc.

Pre-made dough to me is the same as buying from the freezer. I realize for perogies it means I could actually eat them again and just get rid of the onion, but I'd rather do from scratch which is the time consuming part.

I do load of doughs from scratch but some are more complicated than others. Kind of why I buy frozen tortellini instead of making it. Even working from home, I don't have time to do that a lot.
Pre-made dough to me is the same as buying from the freezer. I realize for perogies it means I could actually eat them again and just get rid of the onion, but I'd rather do from scratch which is the time consuming part.

I do load of doughs from scratch but some are more complicated than others. Kind of why I buy frozen tortellini instead of making it. Even working from home, I don't have time to do that a lot.

that. I thought it would speed things up for you since it's been ages since you had it.
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