Hawt You a Lark or Owl?

Your score: 26

Rise and shine. You tend to be a morning person and like to rise relatively early and not stay up too late. You don't cope very well when your sleep pattern is disrupted.

I wake up aat 5am regardless of when I go to sleep.
29 although nowhere does it ask whether you're fine staying up late all the time as well as getting up early. I used to live on a few hours a night for years.

29-32You're an extreme lark. True Larks tend to jump out of bed as early as 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. and drop off to sleep by 9 p.m. They're likely to be at their best in the morning, and do poorly when their sleep pattern is disrupted.
Your score: 11

You love the night life, and enjoy staying up late and sleeping late into the morning. But you can also be flexible and adapt when your sleep pattern is disrupted.

i used to work nights, staying up till 3-4am still seems natural, and i do it almost every weekend. monday sucks cause i get up at 5:30am on weekdays. :(

i can also sleep till noon with ease.