What is your favorite board game -OR- Has anyone ever played Catan?


Wants to kiss you where it stinks
Jun 9, 2006
I heard a reference to "one of the greatest board games ever",

Settlers of Catan
Has anyone played it before?

This got me to thinking what are some board games I have enjoyed in the past. I must say I am a bit of a fan of Trouble and Shoots and Ladders but then again I am simple.

The game of Life is fantastic, too, when you get married and put the same color pegs into your car, then have kids later in the game :fly:

What board games have you enjoyed in the past?
Clue. Hugely.

Life & Monopoly. Either game - fun and epic.

Risk & Stratego, because arguments with college roomates over why the fuck I keep rolling 12's against his 5's when I'm storming kamchatka with 18 units to his 6 is fun.
Othello is addictive. So is Chess.

Right now I'm into WoW: The Adventure Game. (Nerd alert!)

There's another board game called Size Matters that I tend to kick everyone's ass at :fly:
FYI: Barnes & Noble has the BEST game selection. Lots of cool games you can't find anywhere else.
Does anyone remember Hero Quest? My fiance says it's the best game evar.

Next time we visit his dad, we are going to dig through the hall closet and see if it's still there.
Anyone remember this fruity game?

I collect Monopoly games, I have like 30something different types right now.

I think my all time favorite game to play, and it probably doesn't even count as a board game.. is dominoes. It's so much fun to sit around a table and get a game going for hours and just sitting and bsing with people.
i just got an urge to play hungry hungry hippos

The new version sucks. My nephews have it. The "marbles" are now plastic and won't stay on the board. The hippos/game break easily because they are made of cheap, thin plastic.
Axis & Allies


awesome game. I have it under my bed but no one will ever play against me. it's about an eight hour game so it's hard to find willing opponents.

I have played Settlers of Catan. Only once so far, I bought it juust a couple weeks ago. They people I played against went out that week and bought it. Definitely a great game and something I recommend to all of you.
i like trivial pursuit because i know a bunch of useless shit
also a great game. i recommend you check out Tour de Force, too. It's like Canadian trivial pursuit though it may be hopelessly out of date now.