wewt, smoked a pole this morning

actually I am barefoot...I roll out of bed in the morning and spend about 10 mins working out :p

You are probably naked, too, while you are working out, aren't you?


You also didn't mention if these were cock pushups or not. :drool:
I've dislocated the same shoulder a few times. It isn't as funny as Mel Gibson made it look in Lethal Weapon.

the first time I sat in the emergency room for 2+ hours with my shoulder hanging out of the socket...they gave me MORPHINE to knock me out while they put the fucker back in...they had 3 people yanking on a sheet wrapped around my shoulder to pop it back in and it hurt for over a month after...second time I put it back in myself, mel gibson stylee, and it felt fine within a few days
I started this again today.
30 pushups in a row immediately followed by 60 bicycle stomach crunches. holy crap am I out of shape. now I add 1 pushup a day for the next few months and another 50 crunches daily per week.
You should try this workout (if you have access to a pullup bar)

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 BW squats.

Repeat this for 20 minutes. (It will kick your ass)