Variations on a theme (thread): chivalry

WTF! Ok everyone stop having sex. :rolleyes:

:lol: never said that but the bottom line remains that if you choose to have sex you choose to take on the risk of pregnancy. no form of birth control is 100% effective. none. not even vasectomies and tied tubes.

People tend to forget that sex has a biological reason for existing: breeding. Yes it's fun but to think that sex and pregnancy do not go hand in hand is naive....and partly the reason there are so many single moms and abortions out there.
Sure, but I'd prefer to not have contracts that require lawyers to read them.

I've signed a few and they were all perfectly legible and of reasonable length. They covered all the necessary situations and even the FMLA is fairly comprehendable to anyone with a high school education.
So you want the companies to basically control people's personal lives? That sounds like a winner to me.

Absolutely not. I want the company to control their own hiring practices. If they don't want to hire someone of a certain age, race, gender or because that person is religious or may have to go on maternity leave they shouldn't have to. People choose to have sex, people choose to stay with their companies. They can choose not to have sex, they can choose to work somewhere else.

Again, none of us would want to work for a company like that so it probably wouldn't last very long and again, the market would regulate itself. But instead we hand that responsibility over to the government because we don't want to take it upon ourself. And we wonder why people around the world think Americans are lazy. :lol:
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Does the Family Medical Leave act not cover it? Or do you mean paid paternity leave?
I didn't know about that, thank you wonky. It actually does include the father or life partner. :D

No, I want companies to have the choice of whether or not to cater to such needs. Would you work for a company that told you a sick day would mean you lose your job? Neither would I. Company would have to include such things in its employee contract. If it wants to include maternity leave, cool. Doesn't mean it should be a law.
But the company should cater to these things. "I'm sorry, you and your loved one can't have childeren. We'll fire you." That doesn't sound right. The employees should have rights, too.

Mind you, companies in Florida can fire a worker for any reason. (afirmative action topic...) However, I have heard of useless employees keeping their job because workplaces get a compensation pay (or something of this nature) for fulfilling the afirmative action reqs. Do I feel this is right? You bet your brazillian nuts I don't. If the employee is not performing well, they should be fired regardless of race/sex/transexual. I don't feel this should apply to medical conditions.

I understand, my point is that because of one person's complaint the entire branch lost a day of productive work. She wasn't directly harassed, she wasn't attacked, no one threatened to fire her if she didn't get on her knees and suck some sales rep schlong. She was simply offended and people in this country think they have a right to not be offended.
It's only one day. /shrug
Price to pay for not waiting for the right moment.

I also think she should deforest her sunshinehole. Perhaps BeerAd would be willing to honor arbor day and plant his shrub in her to help replenish the serious deforestation this lady will have to undergo.

Because laws like that should not exist. The job market has the ability to regulate this shit on its' own. Like I said, none of us would work for a company that would fire us if we were sick and didn't come in. That company's not going to survive very long. Laws like that are unnecessary.

I don't feel the companies should be trusted to not abuse or misuse their employees -hence laws. Honestly, I trust neither companies nor the government but we have to make the best out of the current situations. If something needs to change, change it.
Absolutely not. I want the company to control their own hiring practices. If they don't want to hire someone of a certain age, race, gender or because that person is religious or may have to go on maternity leave they shouldn't have to. People choose to have sex, people choose to stay with their companies. They can choose not to have sex, they can choose to work somewhere else.
People choose to drive to work. If they get in an accident and need to be hospitalized, it's their damn fault and should be fired.
But the company should cater to these things. "I'm sorry, you and your loved one can't have childeren. We'll fire you." That doesn't sound right. The employees should have rights, too.
I also believe they should cater to such things. I just believe it should be their choice to cater to them and if they fail to do so then no one will work for them and they'll go under. A free market with minimal regulation to protect the people from force and fraud can keep tabs on these things by itself. People need to take the responsibilities into their own hands. Anything less is sheer laziness.
Mind you, companies in Florida can fire a worker for any reason. (afirmative action topic...) However, I have heard of useless employees keeping their job because workplaces get a compensation pay (or something of this nature) for fulfilling the afirmative action reqs. Do I feel this is right? You bet your brazillian nuts I don't. If the employee is not performing well, they should be fired regardless of race/sex/transexual. I don't feel this should apply to medical conditions.
What kind of medical conditions?
It's only one day. /shrug
Price to pay for not waiting for the right moment.
Sorry but that's ridiculous. The price to pay for not waiting for the right moment? What kind of bullshit makes twenty guys pay the price for one girl being offended? Price to, wtf.
I don't feel the companies should be trusted to not abuse or misuse their employees -hence laws. Honestly, I trust neither companies nor the government but we have to make the best out of the current situations. If something needs to change, change it.
Eh, that's mainly where I disagree. I do feel that companies should be trusted with this stuff and if they don't meet the needs of the employees then they'll suffer. Mind you I believe that with the freedom to discriminate companies should also be required to have complete transparency. If the owner of the KKKracker Barrel will only hire whites then that information should be made public to give people the option of whether or not to patronize a racist organization.

Oh and for everyone's information, Publix is run by racists. Every regional manager, every district manager, most store managers and virtually all the execs are pure dyed in the wool racist motherfuckers.

I do feel things need change and I will always strive for that change. One of the first steps trying to convince others that choice and personal responsibility are more important than watching American Idol.
Exactly. This is the fourth of fifth time in as many threads that you've taken something I said and used it to pull a straw man out of your ass. :heart:
I prefer to argue in reality instead of in theory. Sure, you can say companies would wither and die who tried to do that, but probably not. Walmart sure hasn't suffered for treating their employees like shit.
I prefer to argue in reality instead of in theory. Sure, you can say companies would wither and die who tried to do that, but probably not. Walmart sure hasn't suffered for treating their employees like shit.

Because WalMart still generally operates within the laws. People still shop there because they figure if it's legal it must be right. Yes, WalMart would wither and die if tomorrow they announced that they would only hire caucasians or that women who took time off for pregnancy would lose their jobs.
Yes, WalMart would wither and die if tomorrow they announced that they would only hire caucasians or that women who took time off for pregnancy would lose their jobs.
No they wouldn't. People still need jobs. Take a topic from before: pensions. Employers did away with them and nothing happened except people bitched about it. I'll bet there was someone like you saying "If they ever do away with pensions, they will go out of business because no one will work for them".
No they wouldn't. People still need jobs. Take a topic from before: pensions. Employers did away with them and nothing happened except people bitched about it. I'll bet there was someone like you saying "If they ever do away with pensions, they will go out of business because no one will work for them".

Yes, they would. I can guarantee you if WalMart released a press conference tomorrow that they would be firing all their minority workers and only hiring whites that they would get very few job applicants and a large portion of their customer base would stop shopping there. :lol:

And no, I never said that. But when they did away with pensions it gave new prospects another reason to question whether or not to work there. Pensions are not a right, they're a choice made by the company to entice people to work there. Yes, people still needs job and people still have the choice to work elsewhere. Don't pretend that people only work at Walmart because they have no other choice. There is no shortage of jobs in America, just a shortage of people willing to do the thankless jobs full of degrading manual labor. :rolleyes:
Yes, they would. I can guarantee you if WalMart released a press conference tomorrow that they would be firing all their minority workers and only hiring whites that they would get very few job applicants and a large portion of their customer base would stop shopping there. :lol:
Only because a large portion of their customer base are minorities. Probably of their workforce too. I'll bet a company that makes confederate flags would see their sales increase if they made a statement like that.

And no, I never said that.
You have a reading comprehension problem.

But when they did away with pensions it gave new prospects another reason to question whether or not to work there. Pensions are not a right, they're a choice made by the company to entice people to work there. Yes, people still needs job and people still have the choice to work elsewhere. Don't pretend that people only work at Walmart because they have no other choice. There is no shortage of jobs in America, just a shortage of people willing to do the thankless jobs full of degrading manual labor. :rolleyes:
There's a difference between working at a thankless job because you have no skill and being forced to because you were fired for getting pregnant.