Uselessforums 5th Anniversay (10/23 - new additions)

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true, that gravestone was after we kicked your country out of our country.. but it definitely was before the UK had adopted German as their national language.. Oh wait.. Sorry, that didn't happen. I seem to always forget that when Brits get all kinda uppity. ;) :heart:

BTW: I see your twins and call.


I was trying to find a gravestone of someone who fought in the War of Independance but I just got a picture of Lord Byron's grave instead. Unfortunately he loses out to somebody frmo 1730 something or so (I think), however I think Dharma might like to see Byron.

Cuet twins!
I'm thinking that as far out as he appears, his netheregions would be at LEAST a "stay back 10 feet" warning!
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