This just in: OddFactor joins Useless Forums...

*Fuxx Burger* said:
So.... do you like.... stuff?

Stuff? Yeah, of course. Stuff is great. I love stuff. I do stuff all the time. And yourself?
Bubbles said:
How come there's no one around here at night? I'm not day krew anymore. :(

Don't know, just got here. ;)
I've been Night krew for a while now.
Bubbles said:
This should do

Erica New Years.JPG

sarcasmo is obviously handing the money to the boy on the right
gottoys? said:
I honestly think he is gay - he plays the part all to well. I always wanted a gay friend so it's all good to me :)

Oooooh girl what is going on with that hair today and those shoes with those - what are those, capri pants - you have got to start dressing like you've got the world by the balls...if you've got it and girl you have GOT it you need to work it!