There is an inverse correlation between religiosity and intelligence.


Oct 1, 2004

According to a study by Paul Bell, published in the UK Mensa Magazine in 2002, there is an inverse correlation between religiosity and intelligence. Analyzing 43 studies carried out since 1927, Bell found that all but four reported such a connection, and he concluded that "the higher one's intelligence or education level, the less one is likely to be religious or hold 'beliefs' of any kind."Bell, Paul. "Would you believe it?" Mensa Magazine, UK Edition, Feb. 2002, pp. 12–13 A letter published in Nature in 1998 reported a survey suggesting that belief in a personal God or afterlife was at an all time low among the members of the National Academy of Science, only 7.0% of which believed in a personal God as compared to more than 85% of the US general population. Available at, Stephen Jay Gould archive. Retrieved on 2006-12-17

Can anyone will Google ninja skills actually find this article by Paul Bell and/or the studies he must reference in the article?
Here is a great article on neurotheology. It explains the effect of religion on the brain, why religions have rituals and church works the way it does, and the relationship between religion and mental disorders.

Dawkins went into the the possible evolutionary advantages to religion and how it could have taken hold in his latest book The God Delusion.
I find this very easy to believe. I think there's also an inverse correlation between intelligence and 9/11 conspiracy theories.
that's probably true considering acceptance of the existence of a 9/11 conspiracy is another form of belief.
I don't think fly or Mensa is trying to say that the religious people out there are dumb. It's just that most people who believe in a religion were taught it by family or the community therefore they may not have questioned what else is out there.

I think it is because smart people over think things. Can you truly say that you have never felt with your heart alone? No matter how you wanna break down the science and facts there is so much more that we do not understand. I have felt love with my heart and I have felt a higher presence in it too. I dont see why everyone is so quick to knock beliefs. More than likely it is because they know it is an easy target. I do not need to prove with "science" what I believe and feel. How do you know it wont be proven with science one day? Not to long ago science told us the earth was flat.
I think it is because smart people over think things. Can you truly say that you have never felt with your heart alone? No matter how you wanna break down the science and facts there is so much more that we do not understand. I have felt love with my heart and I have felt a higher presence in it too. I dont see why everyone is so quick to knock beliefs. More than likely it is because they know it is an easy target. I do not need to prove with "science" what I believe and feel. How do you know it wont be proven with science one day? Not to long ago science told us the earth was flat.

Science didn't tell us the earth was flat... humans with false information said that.
It's hard for most people to accept both creationism and evolution.

I have a hard time believing that we are as important as we think we are thus needing a higher power to grant us access to a heaven because we are just that fucking super.

Being an intellectual derelict is a cliche. To paraphrase William F. Buckley = I would rather be judged by the first 12 people out of the phone book than anybody from MENSA.