Tampa Xmas Party

*Big inhale...*
Yes... also some ranch and blue cheese for the wings.
Done and done!
muse is coming? should we bring a bike for her? lol
I... wuff... you...

You. Make. Pie?

fat girls love pie.

then call me fat, baebeh

Would you mind throwing in a little electric slide in there?
It's not a UF thang without her doing the sliiiiide.
I line dance (oooh, did I just hear my cool-o-meter drop? wow...) I can proxy and rub a little funk init
Anymore talk about doing the electric slide and im canceling again, lol

:lol: Dibs on his alcohol, damnit!!!!
yeah, I just wanted to use the word "Wii'ly" in a sentence

Fair enough. Well, I'll be leaving that Nintendo at the house for them, otherwise, it's going to be a long "Wii-kend" and I'll be the only one paying attention to my "Wii-ner" for a little bit.