sore losers and winners


Flaccid Member
Nov 15, 2004
I have a friend who i use to room with a few years back. We had a small LAN set up to game. Mostly Duke Nukem, Serious Sam and Unreal tournament.

Fun times playing co-op, and he was a real challenge at duke nukem, but damned if he didnt get cocky (duke was the only game he was really good at in death match, and i never had really played it at that point). Cocky to the point where you wanted to punch him in the face with the shit he spewed forth. And I sucked at it so he could constantly kick my ass. So he was a swaggering dick with every kill.
But when you put him out of his element and fired up some UT, i totally owned him (yay for games that use a mouse!). This would lead him to bitching and complaining about the game.
He would only want to play games he was good at and not want to learn the new ones cause he sucked at them.
Few years later we would LAN party with a few other friends and play some UT2k3, Total Annihalation and Age of Empires. Good times. He finally got decent at 3d shooters by that point, but i still mopped up the floor with him (and everyone else). And every time he got a kill, he would spount more shit, and bitch when i would go on a killing spree on his ass.

WTF is up with those kinds of people? its just not fun listening to the contstant bitching and oral masturbation ejactulateing from their mouths. :mad:
My boss has a major problem with losing but like your roommate when he is winning he will make you wanna hit him. He hates losing so bad that he will play the game for however long it takes to beat you(or just say the game now sucks). I scored 7200 in Solitaire one day our internet was down, he has been playing everyday since, go figure
i wouldn't play with him. it's not worth it.

the older i've gotten, the more unpleasant a constant stream of filth is out of someone's mouth. it makes me cringe. it's so juvenile.
BeeRad said:
My boss has a major problem with losing but like your roommate when he is winning he will make you wanna hit him. He hates losing so bad that he will play the game for however long it takes to beat you(or just say the game now sucks). I scored 7200 in Solitaire one day our internet was down, he has been playing everyday since, go figure

hes a good friend, but hypercompeditive with everything. Damned irratating. He has to have the best things and be the best at everything.
I dislike people like that. If I ever talk trash it's in a playful manner. If I get beaten I show the winner their due respect. Why sweat the small stuff?
I punched a kid in the mouth once for talking shit during video games, in his own house. He actually got in my face and wouldn't sit down, so I popped him. He was completely stunned, and asked me to leave. I politely informed him that I wasn't done playing yet, and he went downstairs and never came back up. Eventually I got bored and left. After knocking over these gay Dungeons & Dragons figurines he had on his bookshelf that he painted like shit. haha owned
I'm ultra competetive (no shit sherlock) but if I suck at something, I work harder and harder until I can compete I don't give it up completely.
Sarcasmo said:
I punched a kid in the mouth once for talking shit during video games, in his own house. He actually got in my face and wouldn't sit down, so I popped him. He was completely stunned, and asked me to leave. I politely informed him that I wasn't done playing yet, and he went downstairs and never came back up. Eventually I got bored and left. After knocking over these gay Dungeons & Dragons figurines he had on his bookshelf that he painted like shit. haha owned

Charisma -10
Coqui said:
I'm ultra competetive (no shit sherlock) but if I suck at something, I work harder and harder until I can compete I don't give it up completely.

the only time i get extremely compeditive is when im playing a sport. I like to win at games, but sports take me to a whole new level.
itburnswhenipee said:
There are very few things worth getting worked up like that, I find.

it made me giggle when he got so pissed off from me sniping him and everyone else for around 50 kills. :D

but mostly him. I had it out for him.
HydroSqueegee said:
the only time i get extremely compeditive is when im playing a sport. I like to win at games, but sports take me to a whole new level.

It's because of my competetive nature, that my knees are pretty much shot.

Word of warning to all - in volleyball, it is not advisable to dive for the ball on asphalt or on wood without knee pads.
Super competive people really annoy me. Especially when people gloat about winning or change the rules midgame for their benifit. It's downright disrespectful. If everyone's just being silly and talkn' lighthearted trash I don't mind it. I don't even mind an occasional "YEA!" when someone scores. But when everyone's just trying to have fun competition is a SERIOUS buzz kill. I won't play certain games with certain people because it's just not worth the grief.
Pandora said:
Super competive people really annoy me. Especially when people gloat about winning or change the rules midgame for their benifit. It's downright disrespectful. If everyone's just being silly and talkn' lighthearted trash I don't mind it. I don't even mind an occasional "YEA!" when someone scores. But when everyone's just trying to have fun competition is a SERIOUS buzz kill. I won't play certain games with certain people because it's just not worth the grief.

I got pissed at Mrs. HydroSqueegee when we were playing monopoly one time. She got one of every color property and refused to trade any. She just wanted to go around the board over and over and over again. I quit because there was no point in going on. She was just happy i didnt kick her ass for a change.
I can honestly say that I am better than most at all kinds of video games, but I try very hard not to insult people while playing unless I know that it is (mutually) in good fun, or if it's started by someone who shouldn't be mouthing off.