Someone has a case of the mondays

Mean Mr. Mustard

Always shouts out something obscene
Sep 30, 2004
I woke up with a headache this morning, and thx to the crappy radio I have some dumbass elton john song stuck in my head, wich isnt helping the fact that I have a headache.
Plus, as a bonus, I get to go work with another tech that is such a professional brown-noser that when he sneezes corn and peanuts come out his nose.:rolleyes:

How is your day shaping up?
hey, i just woke up because i don't have to work today. so i'm at home having a coffee and not wearing pants. hi2u!
ChikkenNoodul said:
My mind is in a dense fog, so thick that Bobby Brown couldn't snort it through a Dairy Queen straw

And my co-worker is slurping smelly, runny eggs.

Your only defense is horrid flatulence. Go crop dusting and make the eggslurping bitch pay.
oh and the guy in the cube next to me is humming songs and making little noises. i usually ignore it but i want to shove this face mill sitting next to me into one of his eye sockets at the moment.
thrawn said:
oh and the guy in the cube next to me is humming songs and making little noises. i usually ignore it but i want to shove this face mill sitting next to me into one of his eye sockets at the moment.

Get naked then stab him in the face with a screwdriver while yelling "DIE INFIDEL PRAISE BE ALLAH"
I wanna have something cool to watch on the news during dinner tonight.
ChikkenNoodul said:
There is no smell I can emit, or create, that is worse than his own bodily stench

Picture Kramer, but 20 years older and slobbier

Then you have to hit the fucker where it hurts.
Wait untill hes gone then sneak over and clean up his cubicle.