WTF Social Networking has run amok.


. . first name's "Daisy" boys
May 12, 2008
Brandon, FL
While it's not the toilet that tweets, social networking is indeed rapidly sinking into the shitter.

Take for example, if you will, the newest social networking gem.


By asking what's happening or what's on our minds, Facebook and Twitter have prodded people to broadcast just about anything, from what they ate for lunch to what movie they're going to see. Now a new site wants to unearth more — by asking people to automatically reveal things they buy.

Blippy, which is backed by a Twitter co-founder, asks people to share their spending habits. If you register a credit card with the site, every transaction bought on the card would be displayed to your friends on Blippy.

It might sound like ridiculous oversharing, but Blippy is serious. While there already are plenty of Web sites focused on what people are purchasing, the site's founders think it offers a new way to learn about deals and new products. And knowing your spending habits are being transmitted to a flock of friends might make you think twice before spending $500 on a pair of designer shoes. Charities could use Blippy to show the public that their donations are being used responsibly, too.

I think it's time to fire off the global EMP.
I like the concept of companies/charities using the technology actually. More transparency of fund spending would be quite good. Could you imagine politicians using this feature? Maybe posting INCOMING transactions, too, would be quite telling.
I like the concept of companies/charities using the technology actually. More transparency of fund spending would be quite good. Could you imagine politicians using this feature? Maybe posting INCOMING transactions, too, would be quite telling.

You having a laugh? Can't you see how many evil ways marketing execs would use this information? As if they don't know everything about us already.

this thread is about 2 months late and fuck this shit. not in a million years would I sign up for this
You having a laugh? Can't you see how many evil ways marketing execs would use this information? As if they don't know everything about us already.


No have the company's purchases THEMSELVES use this service to show US what their transactions are. Not the other way around. I would never use this service.