so what's for dinner tonight?

I don't know...:fly: We just started going to BJ's (like a Costco/Sam's) and bought lots of food and spent way too much... but it will be worth it in the end.

...luckily we can survive the next few hurricanes without going to the store except for perishable items like eggs and milk.

Get a chest freezer from craigslist or something, we got one for $40 that was practically brand new.
Blah, I hate grocery shopping and meal planning is a pain. I do it for a couple weeks, then get bored and can't tlak myself into it for a few weeks, then I give in and do it again.

Really, I just need a personal chef.
Close enough?

When you over-buy food you have to a) eat all the food b) store the food for a long time (mmm.. preservatives) or c) throw it away since it has been in the freezer for too long.
We didn't techically overbuy. Hoping there is enough food to cook for the next couple of months to stop us from eating out so much.

So in the end we are hopefully saving money from going out and by buying in bulk.
Blah, I hate grocery shopping and meal planning is a pain. I do it for a couple weeks, then get bored and can't tlak myself into it for a few weeks, then I give in and do it again.

I do meal plans for two weeks at a time. Started out being a pain but nows its so nice that I don't have to run and gets something at the store because I've planned so specifically that I know what snacks I'm getting for those two weeks. I don't like doing a Monday = Pot Roast / Tuesday = Spaghetti, etc. But a general outline is good. Then because I have that figured out I can do the master coupon clipping fun.

I have a spreadsheet.

I will go back to my hole now.