Thread So what is everyone dressing up as for Halloween?

i said one to fucking nutso.

i COULD have been saying you were all 1s. But nooooo, your responses have made it clear what size of the scale you consider yourselves on.
Meaning you think that a woman should be "normal"? Who the hell do you think you are?

Meaning on the low end of the scale? You think these women are all "1"s? These women are far from ugly
Depends on your scale, sir. What kind of scale are you using?? How long since it's been properly calibrated?
Meaning you think that a woman should be "normal"? Who the hell do you think you are?

Meaning on the low end of the scale? You think these women are all "1"s? These women are far from ugly

You've earned yourself a new title.
hey hey hey the resident nutbar here is ME

Hey! I'm certified crazy! I'll rival you for nutty any day. Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I'm not insane. Ask IBWIP. He has to put up with me.

Should I book a ticket to canada for your hot carl? :hi2u:

I know I'm doing myself a disservice here but I REALLY don't want to google it so I'm gonna ask, what is a hot carl?

one could never have enough percs.

i love percs more than laxatives.
percs make me feel warm and fuzzy, laxatives make me feel empty. they both serve their purpose.

So you take something that constipates you and then something that makes you go? Why don't you just not take anything or try things without the pooping side effects?