Thread So what is everyone dressing up as for Halloween?

im not a dick, i get along just fine with zain, we understand eachother.

You're a bit of a dramamongerer, ya know that?
she's a texan!

howdy zain. why_ask_why here


i dont know you so Im not sure if that would be awesome or not

It's non-slutty yet feminine hey.

not sure if old genmay user zain or not.

If yes, then she'll fit in just fine with the ladies here on a scale of one to fucking nutso.

At least I fit in somewhere.

im not a dick, i get along just fine with zain, we understand eachother.

You're a bit of a dramamongerer, ya know that?

Yeah, I understand you're obviously still a dick.

El... oh el.
I'm thinking if there could be a genmayer UselessForums Halloween party, then it would be pretty baller. Most house parties suck due to lack of nerds.
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theres less central colocation around here than there was on genmay. Expect the floridaites. Theyre all buttbuddies.
theres less central colocation around here than there was on genmay. Expect the floridaites. Theyre all buttbuddies.

Hey, I'm butbuddies with more than just the Florida people. Wait till I get up your way. I'll fuck the angst, and will to live, right out of you.
I forgot Halloween was tomorrow. What with all the Halloween parties this past weekend and the hurricane it feels like it already happened
not sure if old genmay user zain or not.

If yes, then she'll fit in just fine with the ladies here on a scale of one to fucking nutso.

Uhm. ADHD is NOT nutso, Mr. Can't Even Properly Murder Someone.

My momma says it just makes me more special. *hair flip*
i said one to fucking nutso.

i COULD have been saying you were all 1s. But nooooo, your responses have made it clear what size of the scale you consider yourselves on.