reward systems

Thorn Bird

Forum Mom
May 24, 2005
did you have any kind of reward system when you were a kid? besides allowance, were there other "programs" your parents gave you as an earn-points/stars-and-redeeming-them type system?

i got an allowance starting when i was around 8 or so, but i can't remember any other system before then.
the more responsibility and good nature i showed the more leniency i received. i never had an allowance or "gold star" system, my parents could keep track of how good i was and how bad i was without a concrete quantitative system.
my mom raised her hand.. coat hanger.. extension cord.. fly swatter.. basically anything that was nearby. I got my legs and ass tore up.. I'm sure I deserved most of it. :)

My mom always used a wooden spoon.

I'm sure you deserved most of it too.
Mmm, not really, not so much. They'd just offer us stuff to do certain things, and some things were just expected of us. Like we had to clean our room just because, or go to church. But sometimes my mom would offer me $2 to do the laundry or something like that. Or $5 to rake the leaves in the front lawn. God, that one would take so much time. Washing cars was the money, because they'd offer me $5 per car and I could get all three done in the time it took me to rake the lawn. :D
I never got an allowance. The only thing we ever got money for was our grades. My Mom would pay us a dollar for an A. If it wasn't an A, then you didn't get any money.
None. I had to basically beg for an Allowance when I was 12 and even then it wasn't much. $20 for two weeks, but in reality it was actually $10 since half of it was meant for lunch at school for that period. I don't think an incentive system would have made a difference to me at all, as I tended to do what was expected anyways.
I had to do chores or be yelled at. Sure it's not beating but you've never heard my mother. She has reduced strangers to tears and can yell loudly for 40+ minutes without seeming to breath. Think 'Full Metal Jacket'.

We werent allowed to watch TV or really go anywhere anyway so there really wasnt anything to take away.

They got me a job (newspaper carrier) when I was 11 and I didnt have to do chores anymore.
Do what you are told or get yelled at and grounded. Grounded = sitting in your room with nothing to do indefinitely till someone told you it was over. That was evil too because they never told me how long it would end in sight. Oh, and my room was about as fun as the living quarters for a monk in a monastery. Pretty much just a bed, dresser, and a desk.

At one point I smuggled a blow gun with some hunting darts into my room and hid it. My mom used to feed nuts to a chipmunk on the back deck right below my second story window. That day was the most interesting day of being grounded...blow guns are amazingly accurate.
I had to do chores or be yelled at. Sure it's not beating but you've never heard my mother. She has reduced strangers to tears and can yell loudly for 40+ minutes without seeming to breath. Think 'Full Metal Jacket'.

We werent allowed to watch TV or really go anywhere anyway so there really wasnt anything to take away.

They got me a job (newspaper carrier) when I was 11 and I didnt have to do chores anymore.

Well this explains some things :fly:
In my teens I got a regular allowance. I suppose it was supposed to be for doing chores, but they never seemed related (I did do some chores, nothing excessive. Clean up, take out trash, load dishwasher)

I was only punished when I did something monumentally stupid, which was usually because I wasn't thinking about the consequences of my actions. So about once a week. My parents couldn't possibly punish me for things like bad grades, if I got so much as a C I was so sad my parents would have to try to cheer me up.

I have this feeling that some parents see their kids as an way to offload work they don't feel like doing, but that's probably an unfair assessment.

My GF's plan for if we ever have kids is if they break something they have to fix it themselves (with guidance and help). I don't know how that would work for non-property related offenses (swearing, hurting others, being dumb).

You could always give them marlkar, right? :D
I have this feeling that some parents see their kids as an way to offload work they don't feel like doing, but that's probably an unfair assessment.

How is it unfair? I mean, YOU gave them life. They can do some cleaning godammit.