Rate yourself

Yeah, I'm pretty convinced that 90% of dudes are better looking than me so I know what you mean. People are weird.
meh, thanks!

I NEVER viewed myself to be so much above average. Maybe, because I look at so many women and think they're above average and rate myself against them.

I dunno, my mom is shitty. lolz

Confidence makes a person completely attractive, lack thereof does the opposite. :hs: so stfu and say you're hotter than most chicks. Hmpf

I like cats.

rated 1 mic
Confidence makes a person completely attractive, lack thereof does the opposite. :hs: so stfu and say you're hotter than most chicks. Hmpf

I like cats.

i get nervous about looking conceited, when I'd rather be attractive for my sense of humor/mind.
This however, doesn't stop me from making myself feel sexy. :)
meh, thanks!

I NEVER viewed myself to be so much above average. Maybe, because I look at so many women and think they're above average and rate myself against them.

I dunno, my mom is shitty. lolz

Your mum's a crackhead.. listen to everyone else...
attractiveness 4
sense of humor 8
niceness 6
cleanliness (7 for personal hygiene 5 for everything else)
Attractiveness - 7/10
Sense of humour - 8/10
Niceness - 9/10
Cleanliness - 10/10 (I'm, uh, not sure what to make of this. I take a shower and wash my hair every day, but I don't sanitize my hands every 15 minutes?)

I wouldn't worry. You weren't the one asking our waitress about what hair product she was using last night :lol: