Ontopic Poo-litical Thrad

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They knew what they signed up for.
I'm not saying they don't have terrible jobs that require either compromising their ethics or having none, but those people go on to put others in their lives at risk, and THOSE people didn't sign up for it (see: Kellyanne Conway hanging out with her daughter after lying that her test was negative, relatives of Secret Service members on his detail, etc)
I'm also not entirely certain how Secret Service details work with regards to assignments, like idk that you can say "I don't want that detail"
I'm not saying they don't have terrible jobs that require either compromising their ethics or having none, but those people go on to put others in their lives at risk, and THOSE people didn't sign up for it (see: Kellyanne Conway hanging out with her daughter after lying that her test was negative, relatives of Secret Service members on his detail, etc)
I'm also not entirely certain how Secret Service details work with regards to assignments, like idk that you can say "I don't want that detail"
SS can refuse a post, though it won't help them advance within the department. However presidential postings are chosen from applicants. So they are actively seeking that posting.
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