FYI Pewp in this thread when you're pewpin

Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it.
That's hardly regular strings I'm worried about you. Take some Senokot take some milk of magnesia go get a Roto-Rooter.

I usually commence my morning constitutional at home, before work, Nukes. I guess I'm a little behind schedule.
A man went to poop today. None of his coworkers saw him go, while pooping he took a nap.

Unobserved, and unobservable within the stall he experienced a massive shearing of causuality.

He awoke in a bathroom that looked like the one he entered, save for a few differences, and exited it into a workplace that was decidedly not his. He doesn't know where, or when he is and he has no clue how to get back.