Halp Official Tard-O-Matic Political Derpy Thread

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I don't mean bad lighting like it's hard to see what's going on. I mean bad lighting as in you can see every dimple of future cellulite that hasn't even happened yet, and full Monty the ones that have.
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I failed to provide a good word picture of current cellulite dimple. Thought of comparing them to the moon but that is too beautiful a body to paint an accurate word picture.

I have failed as an artist and for that I am sorry.
How about " orange peel "

That's the little blobs you get in a paint job you can cut and buff out. Ain't no cutting and buffing this, at least not without a work camp, some malnutrition, and some time.

More like spraying '70's ceiling texture when you got the mix all wrong.
That's the little blobs you get in a paint job you can cut and buff out. Ain't no cutting and buffing this, at least not without a work camp, some malnutrition, and some time.

More like spraying '70's ceiling texture when you got the mix all wrong.

Am I going to have to avoid your posts during meal time ?

Don't be gross .
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I've achieved a level of marklars now I consider it my duty to thank my sponsors and supporters. Without you folks I could never be where I am.

Senors Holder and Obama, along with our friends Las Zetas and MS-13, as well as the disgruntled youth of America's inner cities, I don't know where I'd be without you guys. And let's not forget our friends in the Arab Spring, heh? Big shout-out to you guys my brothers in the cause. And, as history would have it, my brother Senor Sessions and his Master Senor Trump, a big shout out to you fellas. Thank you for continuing the pace. It is of much pleasure you keep our agreement and even accelerate it in some areas. For without the mighty United States and all it entails our purpose may become less than critical, so thank you all for commitment against Las Drogas. For we are forever in your debt.
hold down the alt key and type 164 on your number pad

Yes, because phones have that stuff.

My old 2007 had the whole international shit and everything. It all worked great. These 2017 ones, not so much. It's the dumbing down of America. The new ones don't even have the upsidedown question mark so you can't even say ?que? properly.
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