Off to see an inmate

you are wise thornmeister. sad it happened to him. but not surprised.

gosh darn it.

yeah. i have a couple of friends who've been busted. they are smart, sweet...while it's hard, and sad, i can't feel bad for them. regardless of how you feel or what you want, rules are rules. you break 'em, you might get busted. that's how it goes until something changes. whaddya do? the way i see it, it's only a matter of time. :hs:
I visited a county jail in NJ once, delivering food. My dad owns a wholesale grocer business, and he had a contract with the county for food delivery. I went to the jail with the driver and delivered the food. We had to keep a close eye on what the "trustees" and guards unloaded from the truck. Apparently they are notorious for saying they didn't receive X item but in actuality they did. Damn crooked county cops.

edit: Those prisoners ate well btw. Ordered a lot of canned goods, and the good stuff too.
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Quite a few of my friends have been in prison for one thing or another. I actually put an old friend in prison, he was on curfew and then he had a warrent and he stayed with us for ages. Then he started getting all violent and I had to physically fight him out the house and call the cops on him. First and last time I'll be calling them. Anyway he got put in for a year and didn't hold any grudge.
Quite a few of my friends have been in prison for one thing or another. I actually put an old friend in prison, he was on curfew and then he had a warrent and he stayed with us for ages. Then he started getting all violent and I had to physically fight him out the house and call the cops on him. First and last time I'll be calling them. Anyway he got put in for a year and didn't hold any grudge.

How long has he been out?
Yes, I've been to a prison, but not to really see anyone. I used to show horses and they had a benefit show at a men's prison in Chino. It was freaky, because everyone was behind a tall fence and armed guards, just like in the Longest Yard.