Tampa Nemo drives in America - on the wrong side of the road

Ha that's funny about CA. I guess it depends on where you drive. CA is usually where I deal with the worst.

I was out in Ca for a tech school. Trooper stopped me because he was "concerned about my speed, " but never quoted a figure. Started to ask about my Florida tags and such, asked how long I had been in the state. The idiot wrote me a ticket for being in residence longer than 90 days and not changing my tag/registration despite the fact that I showed him my orders
California sucks.
Message to @Thin Melissa We beat Manure 0-3 and I'm already having a great St Paddys day dj'ing Irish music at The Bell. @SemperFly knows The Bell, second oldest pub in Britain or so. Oh, and Kes wants to know if she can move in with me as I told her you'd emigrated because you hated her.
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I heard the result.

I was pleased.

Currently sat on Flaps lanai in a thunderstorm. Debating whether to head out for fast food. Can't drink yet as there is free shooting for ladies down at the range at 5pm and I can't be drunk for it.

YAY! Taking the proper English folk to shoot some guns, yeehaw!!!
So as of this morning I have aactually lost 1lb from when I got here.

The license plate bingo was good, I got all but 5 states. Also got DC, District of Columbia and Quebec and Ontario.

Things I have learned:

Drivers suck in every state. It's not just Florida
Maryland is awesome. They don't care about speed limits. They also do not care about road maintenance.
Virginia is the opposite. Speed limits yes, road maintenance yes. It's also a very pretty state. The music from there is awful though
North Carolina pretty much sucks.
South Carolina has great music and they love god.
Georgia also has great music. It smells of farts and they cannot drive.
Florida has storms whenever we visit. Their drivers are hilarious.

The best sandwich in America is from Richmond, VA.

The streets of Baltimore city are not representative of the rest of Maryland. When I traveled to the city regularly for work I'd go through a set of tires almost every year-- it's that bad.

Oh I can believe it. As soon as I got over the 'Welcome to Maryland' sign from Virginia the roads instantly changed to shit.

She's not wrong right now. There was just an article in the paper about how shitty the roads in Maryland are right now because they can't keep up with all the damage from this winter. There just aren't enough resources. Consequently our roads that are usually in great condition are currently totally awful. Virginia has not had anywhere near as much snow, although they've had a lot.

Usually we do maintain our roads pretty well.

Maryland doesn't care about speed limits? lolwut?

Well, we do care, if you aren't going at least the speed limit we will run you off the fucking road. Our cops care, but it's fairly easy to avoid them.