Ontopic Muslim Ban

its not just trump. obama.. bush.. clinton... other bush... i don't think anyone has ever even considered touching saudi arabia. the best and worst thing that could happen to the world is if that oil dried up.

it's american hypocrisy at it's finest, and it's on all sides of the isle.
They all say that bc Saudi Arabia has good intelligence gathering and a more or less stable government, it is less risky.

Plus oil.
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@King Wickie

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If we're lucky, one of them will detonate a bomb located in your colon, thus saving us from having to read your mindnumbingly boring troll posts.

Seriously, it's not like you're even trying. Holy FUCK, you are tedious.
Real trolls never talk about their trolling anyway.
That's the point. Because they clearly should be, and the fact that they're still not just proves that Trump is exactly the same as the people he pretended to be against. It's comedy fucking gold.
Too on the nose to be gold, but the dedication to concept nets it at least a bronze.