Milk Junkie

:rant: rumph-rumphers, ALL OF YOU. :rant: :mad: :rant:
i'll come back to this later when i have something witty and rude to tell all of you, you fuckers. :rant:

edit: :barf:
i was about 5% afraid that this would be a breastmilk fetish thread, 95% sure that there would be baby pics. I am 95% satisfied. Congrats again guys :D

Some of that is probably the wet Tshirt thing. or the enlarged darkened nipple thing. I remember a few years ago seeing this girl walking down the street with a newborn. It was obvious it was recent since she was walking down the street with a tshirt with no bra on, front soaked with milk. I don't remember it because it was erotic, but because stuff like that immediately burns into your brain.