
I know the story. I'm simply implying you had made the whole thing up for some fantastic shens ;)

Oh no, I couldn't have made up anything that funny. That's the sort of thing that happened to me when I DIDN'T meet guys from the internet.
and wtf I used to have pmo and search but they tooks it away

edit: charles hooks me up, leaves, and I lose :(

The only time you ever said it


My goodbye thread was 6/21/2004, Dirk's comment was 6/22 and yours was 7/13/2004.

:fly: Close

wtf - I totally sniped a thread with it

but I also was on a lot of drugs back then

still, I'll step back from this out of respect for Dirk's greatness and gracefully give him the crown whether he deserves it or not. It's simply the proper thing to do
if I have one regret in the past/genmay - it was doing all those drugs and making all those crazy posts... i don't even remember 90% of it
dun have any

gold access gives you search and maybe one or two other "features"

I had points and then I'd randomly give them out to people who made funny posts, and then the rest of them expired and they just went away. :(